Contact Us
The Santa Claus Girls is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit corporation under the IRS code and is authorized to solicit contributions for charitable purposes. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation.
New Location and new phone numbers this year.
Distribution Location:
TBD – The Santa Claus Girls are currently searching for storage and distribution space for their organization.
Registration or Information Line: TBA – Please check back
Driver Volunteer: [email protected]
- Valid email and cell number required.
- After you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email with the assigned time.
- If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, check your email address and resubmit the form
- There are no signups available on delivery day
Click the Donate button or Mail Checks to:
Santa Claus Girls
c/o The Grand Rapids Press
3102 Walker Ridge Dr. NW
Walker, MI 49544
After form submission someone will be in contact with you about dates and times we need help
Monetary donations either cash or credit card.Mail Checks to:
Santa Claus Girls
c/o The Grand Rapids Press
3102 Walker Ridge Dr. NW
Walker, MI 49544
For Credit card donations:
- Click on “Donate” to make an online donation any time during the year.